Cloudflare to acquire Area 1 Security

AMSTERDAM: Cloudflare signed an agreement to acquire Area 1 Security, a cloud-native email security company, and leader in preventing phishing attacks in email, web, and network environments.

“Together, we expect to deliver the world’s fastest, most reliable email security solution,” Cloudflare noted.

In modern enterprises, email is one of the most-used cloud applications. Unfortunately, email is also one of the largest attack vectors on the Internet.

Legacy email security solutions are not designed for today’s cloud-native world and modern solutions often remain disjointed from overall cloud security approach.

But now email security can be integrated into global cloud network.

The combination of Area 1’s leading phishing protection and threat intelligence capabilities with Cloudflare’s global network, data capabilities, and Zero Trust platform will help secure entire global network infrastructure.

“You’ll be able to keep your employees secure and productive no matter where they work or whether they access applications on premise or in the cloud,” a statement noted.

“We expect the acquisition of Area 1 to be completed in April.”

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