What Every Student Should Know About Dissertation Writing

Dissertations are different from usual projects and are much longer. Typically, a dissertation is an original research paper on a designated topic between 5,000 to 15,000 words.  They are usually assigned at the end of the term and are a final piece that colleges ask final year students to prepare. As they hold weightage, students need to focus on preparation, and to your rescue, there are plenty of ways to make dissertations enjoyable.

girl Dissertation Writing

Your topic is your king

Just a king rules the kingdom. The research topic, in this case, is your king. Select a meaningful, interesting topic, and most importantly, helps you move ahead on the career path you have selected. Understand that your dissertation showcases your understanding and research deep, whether it’s racism, business, technology, history or a war topic.

Look for inspiration around you, surf the internet, read a few books and then decide on your dissertation topic. In some cases, the topics are limited or, at best, provided by the college. When you are given a designated topic, think out of the box and write your dissertation in a unique angle, this gives an edge to your piece and brings you the desired scores. 

Use dissertation writing services

Dissertation writing can be challenging, and that is understandable, and that is why there are online guides and help that help you write well. As you are at a learning stage, writing a thesis all by yourself might feel overwhelming.

Create an outline before you proceed

It is imperative to create an outline of your dissertation before you proceed to write the actual dissertation. An existing framework helps you spend time researching the information you need instead of wasting time on data that you may later find of no use. 

Create a flow with the outline, cite sources from which you plan to obtain information, and proceed. To stay on the safe side, you can request your professors to review and check your framework and offer you valuable feedback and suggestions. 

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Start writing 

Writing is the main component of your dissertation, and once your outline is ready, this is the next best step to stay and prepare accordingly. To streamline the process, you can start writing by the topic according to your outline. Plan and set aside time and goals weekly to meet your deadline right in time.

If you plan to complete a 6000-word dissertation in a month, divide the word length accordingly and stick to your plan. At this moment, you should just focus on writing and leave editing to a later time when you have completed the piece. Do not fret about editing or getting it exactly right as you write, keep flexibility for ahead. 

The editing stage is crucial

Once you have completed writing, this is the editing stage and perhaps the most crucial. This is where you put together a comprehensive, well-researched, and polished piece of writing. Your writing stage was a big draft, and now your task at hand is to skim through the details, edit the language and divide the content into easy-to-read parts, chapters, or as suitable.

Proofreading is an essential part of dissertation preparation, and so is plagiarism. As pointed out earlier, a dissertation is a long research piece that is individual in its nature. In case you have used data from sources, make it a point to mention it beforehand. 

Take the time to submit

You must keep a gap of about two days before you submit your dissertation. Allow yourself a short break after the hard work and dedication. Another reason why you must take a break is to ensure that you give your work a final glance with a fresh mind. If you have help at your disposal, request it and get someone to proofread your dissertation before submitting it.


It is a fun, challenging, and lengthy process with dissertations, but they are crucial for a good learning experience. Remember to choose topics you like, have fun while you prepare them. Seek help whenever it seems necessary and look for experts on the subject matter. For example, you chose a topic around social service, speaking with people in the field, and seeking help. Every step in the dissertation writing process is crucial and time is a crucial factor. 

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