Karolis Lesickas appointed as CEO of Franmax, a Maxima Grupė subsidiary

Karolis Lesickas appointed as CEO of Franmax, a Maxima Grupė subsidiary 1

LONDON: As of 12 May, Karolis Lesickas becomes the CEO of Franmax, a subsidiary of Maxima Grupė, which provides IT development, support and maintenance services to the group companies.

Karolis Lesickas is replacing Karolis Ceizaris who headed Franmax and now joins the team engaged in e-commerce development projects at Vilniaus Prekyba group.

“Maxima Group is a group of companies, engaged not only in retail trade, but also in technology and innovation. We implement new technological solutions for the convenience of our buyers and our employees as well. This certainly drives our increasing focus on technology and growing role of Franmax in ensuring the continuity of business processes in our companies. K. Lesickas’ experience, combining knowledge of the retail business with IT expertise, will serve this perfectly,” says Mantas Kuncaitis, Maxima Grupė‘s CEO and Chairman of the Board.

Prior to his appointment as the head of Franmax, for the last seven years K. Lesickas had diverse management positions in Vilniaus Prekyba group of companies. He was head of the online trading platform Trobos, and prior to that – led IT in Barbora, the largest e-grocer in Baltic countries, controlled by Maxima Grupė.

“I see many opportunities, together with Franmax team, to contribute to development of information technologies in Maxima group. The importance of IT is constantly growing, therefore we will strive to remain a reliable partner for the group companies in this area”, says Karolis Lesickas.

Franmax currently has over 80 employees. Franmax services Maxima group companies in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria. www.franmax.eu

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