algoWatt awarded contract to upgrade monitoring system of a nationwide electricity transmission grid

ROME: algoWatt has been awarded the first lot of a tender for the “WAMS system re-engineering and consolidation service”.
The award is in a temporary association of companies (ATI) with a leading global technical and engineering consultancy company in the field of technology and innovation for the electricity sector, a news release said.
The client is a leading company in the transformation of the electricity market towards European integration and the use of eco-compatible sources, and the awarding of the tender represents for the temporary association of companies (in which algoWatt is the principal) a highly qualifying industrial opportunity from a technological point of view, for one of the most innovative network monitoring services, as part of the evolution of a national electricity grid defence systems.
The total consideration for carrying out the work under the tender is a maximum of approximately Euro 0.5 million.
WAMS (Wide Area Monitoring System) is an extremely high-performance realtime system, the purpose of which is to increase the reliability of electricity transmission with a consequent reduction in the response time of countermeasures in the event of grid disruptions. The system acquires and processes the data collected by the PMU (Phase Monitoring Unit) measuring instruments located in the power stations.
The re-engineering of the service, as well as the revision and consolidation of a new architecture, are strategic for the provision of an increasingly smart and sustainable electricity transmission service, also in anticipation of a significant increase in the number of metering devices in the near future. This is due to the increasingly central role of the data acquired by PMUs in the real-time calculation systems supporting control room operators, and to the fact that the number of users requiring off-line WAMS data is increasing.
The WAMS system will also be involved in the processes of verifying the correct provision of the Fast Reserve service, aimed at improving the dynamic response of the electrical system in the first moments during frequency transients.
algoWatt (ALW), greentech solutions company, designs, develops and integrates solutions for energy and natural resource management in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.
The Company provides management and control systems that integrate devices, networks, software and services with a clear sector focus: digital energy and utilities, smart cities & enterprises and green mobility. algoWatt is the result of the merger of TerniEnergia, a leading company in the renewable energy and environmental industry, and Softeco, an ICT solutions provider with over 40 years of experience for customers operating in the energy, industry and transport sectors.
The company, with more than 200 employees located in 7 locations in Italy and investments in research and innovation for more than 12% of turnover, operates with an efficient corporate organization, focused on the following markets: Green Energy Utility: renewable energy, digital energy, smart grids; Green Enterprise&City: IoT, data analysis, energy efficiency, building and process automation; Green Mobility: electric, shared and on demand. Different markets, a single focus: sustainability. algoWatt is listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of Borsa Italiana S.p.A..