Sparebanken Vest contemplating issuance of FRN senior non-preferred bond

Sparebanken Vest contemplating issuance of FRN senior non-preferred bond 1

OSLO: Sparebanken Vest (rating A1 Moody`s, positive outlook) has mandated Nordea Markets for a potential issuance of a FRN senior non-preferred bond.

A transaction will follow in the near future, subject to market conditions.

Sparebanken Vest (OSE: SVEG) is the third largest savings bank in Norway, and the country’s second oldest bank. Its predecessor, Bergens Sparebank, was established in 1823.

The main offices lie in Bergen, though the bank has branches throughout Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane and Rogaland. Sparebanken Vest was previously a member of the SpareBank1 alliance.

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