Peter Snowsill appointed Chief Executive Officer of Aurora Labs

SYDNEY: Aurora Labs Limited has appointed Mr Peter Snowsill as Chief Executive Officer, with immediate effect, a news release said.
Mr Snowsill has served as the interim CEO since March 2020 and previously as the Chief Operating Officer.
Mr Snowsill has over 25 years technology-based executive, engineering and project management experience across Australia, Asia Pacific and the Americas including SME, multinational, government and not-for-profit sectors. He has extensive business and project leadership success including business growth, company sale and integration, technology development and significant project management and governance in water treatment and renewable energy technologies through CEO, Business Unit Director and General Manager roles.
A3D Chairman Grant Mooney said today; “On behalf of the Board and staff, I am delighted to announce Peter’s formal appointment as CEO and recognise his strong contribution in guiding the Company through the recent restructure of its business operations and establishing our new technology development pathway. With an invigorated team and clear development pathway, all of us at AD are pleased to have Peter at the helm.”
Peter Snowsill said today; “I am thankful for the confidence shown in me by the Board and our team and highly committed to the company’s primary goal of developing and delivering our Rapid Manufacturing Technology. I will continue to foster innovation, disciplined engineering and customer-centric product testing through effective team function and process management.”