THC Global signs production agreement with New Zealand’s Medleaf Therapeutics

THC Global signs production agreement with New Zealand’s Medleaf Therapeutics 1
THC Global to produce white-labelled GMP manufactured medicines for Medleaf to supply in New Zealand. First medicines to be supplied in October 2020 following registration. Production agreement to continue until August 2021, with further automatic annual renewal thereafter.

SYDNEY: THC Global Group Limited has signed a binding agreement with JC  Logistics  Limited  trading  as Medleaf  Therapeutics  for THC  Global  to  produce  and  supply pharmaceutical GMP medicines for Medleaf in New Zealand.

Medleaf was established in 2018 and has become a major supplier of cannabis medicines in New Zealand. Medleaf  has a well-established supply  chain  across  New  Zealand, rapidly  increasing  sales  through 2019-2020 and  strong  relationships  in  the  patient  advocacy  community.

Medleaf  strives  to  remain  as New Zealand’s leading medical cannabis company by offering patients quality medicines at affordable prices. From 1 October 2020, new enhanced regulation of medicinal cannabis medicines take effect in New Zealand requiring all medicines supplied in New Zealand to be submitted for review and registration.

THC Global’s medicines will be compliant with these new regulations, and accordingly, THC Global will seek registration of these medicines prior to supply to Medleaf.

THC  Global  and  Medleaf expect  to  supply  these  white-labelled  medicinal  cannabis  medicines  to New Zealanders with notably better affordability than previously available.

Medleaf  Therapeutics  CEO,  Courtney  Letica,  commented:  “The  new  cannabis  medicine  regulations  in New Zealand are a significant opportunity for established brands to reach more patients in need who may benefit from medicinal cannabis. We are happy to be engaged with THC Global and look forward to working with New Zealand doctors to make cannabis medicines more accessible for New Zealanders.”

THC Global CEO, Ken Charteris, commented: “By increasing our production of medicines from our Australian facilities, we’re able to improve efficiency and price competitiveness whilst still delivering industry leading quality, which will continue to build as we supply additional customers such as Medleaf, and Australian patients.

“We are very pleased to be working with Medleaf as one of New Zealand’s leading cannabis medicine brands, and look forward to working together on providing choice in high quality and affordability of medicinal cannabis to patients in New Zealand”.

THC Global is a diversified global cannabis company with primary operations in Australia and Canada. THC Global is the first ASX listed entity to fully own and operate end to end commercial medicinal cannabis production facilities under Australia’s cannabis regulations. THC Global’s Southport Facility is one of the largest pharmaceutical GMP cannabis manufacturing facilities in the world.THC Global also owns and operates Crystal Mountain, a fast growing hydroponics equipment and supplies wholesaler and retailer servicing the rapidly expanding cannabis sector in North America and Europe.

Medleaf  Therapeutics  has  a  mission  to  introduce  safe,  high  quality  medicinal  cannabis  products  as  prescription medicine for the betterment of people’s lives in New Zealand. Medleaf Therapeutics were the first New Zealand medical  cannabis  company  to  successfully import medicinal  cannabis since under  New  Zealand  legislation.

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