How to make your church services more accessible to interested parties

There are many interested parties within the world that do not either have full access to the church of their choice due to distance or are unable to attend sermons due to work commitments, or are even taking vacations but would still like to attend a service while they are away either in the area that they are staying or to their regular establishment via a link if it were available.

These people should be catered for, and indeed, there are ways in which you could cater to them and welcome them into your church, even if it is for just one sermon while they are on vacation.

Advertise your sermons

It is important that you take the time to advertise in your local area the times and dates that your sermons will take place with a brief description of the topics that you are looking to cover within your sermon and the names of any guest speakers that you may have lined up.

Although your regular parishioners will already know most of the information written in your advertisement, others that are either new to the area or passing through that may be interested in joining in or attending your sermon will not.

Help people join in regardless of where they are

You can also raise awareness a little bit further afield by producing podcasts of your sermons so that no matter where your audience happens to be, they can be a part of your congregation as well. Podcasts can either be streamed live or can be recorded and shown at a later date or time, or offered as a download to your new audience.

All you will need is the basic equipment of a camera, a microphone, and special software to livestream your church service with melonapp. Obviously, it is a good idea to advertise that this service is available for all that are interested, parishioners and guests alike, so that no one gets missed off. If you make it a regular occurrence, you will soon find that you have a strong following online as well as within your church building, wanting to hear your sermons regularly.

Offer to do specific sermons for local radio shows

Another way of making your sermons more accessible to interested parties is to make use of the local radio stations within your area and set up your own sermon on a weekly or bi-weekly basis so that all that are interested will not only hear your sermons but will know your church should they wish to attend one in person and become a regular member of your flock.

Obviously, to do this, you will have to consult with the radio show and make sure that they are happy with the sort of sermons that you give as well as a supply a brief description of the information and topics are spoken about therein. It is totally up to them whether they choose to give you time within any of their shows or indeed on a regular basis.