Apollo Tourism & Leisure shareholders approve merger with thl

AUCKLAND, NZ: The shareholders of Apollo Tourism & Leisure Ltd (ATL) have voted in favour of the proposed merger with thl by way of scheme of arrangement by the requisite majorities.
thl is a global tourism operator. Listed on the NZX and the largest commercial provider of RVs for rent and sale in Australia and New Zealand, and the second largest in North America.
In the USA, thl own Road Bear RV Rentals & Sales and El Monte RV Rentals & Sales, and in the United Kingdom, go Motorhomes.
Within New Zealand, thl owns Kiwi Experience and operate the Discover Waitomo group, which includes Waitomo Glowworm Caves, Ruakuri Cave, Aranui Cave and The Legendary Black Water Rafting Co.
thl also owns Action Manufacturing, a leading motorhome and specialist vehicle manufacturer in New Zealand.
Tourism & Leisure LtdApollo Tourism & Leisure Ltd is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX code: ATL). Apollo is a multi-national, vertically integrated manufacturer, rental fleet operator, wholesaler and retailer of a broad range of RVs including motorhomes, campervans and caravans.