What Happens When You Take Kratom Under The Influence Of CBD?

What Happens When You Take Kratom Under The Influence Of CBD? 1

CBD reigns supreme as the most popular herbal remedy, but kratom is also gaining traction in the wellness world. According to statistics, 33% of American adults have used CBD at least once. The cannabinoid has purported therapeutic benefits, and one research study concluded that it lasts approximately 24-48 hours in your system.

On the other hand, kratom also has purported therapeutic effects and is readily available online via trustworthy vendors like Carolina Kratom.

Red Maeng Da Kratom is a red-veined variety of Mitragyna speciosa. It originates from Thailand. You can buy Red Maeng Da Kratom online.

So, given CBD’s long half-life, what happens when you take kratom with CBD in your system? Keep reading to learn more about combining the two compounds.

CBD’s Effect On The Body

One research review on the phytochemistry of cannabis reiterated that CBD is the dominant non-psychoactive cannabinoid. However, the cannabinoid has outstanding therapeutic benefits that improve individuals’ wellbeing and quality of life. For starters, one systematic review of five research studies on CBD’s medicinal properties concluded that there is substantial evidence that it is an effective treatment for chronic pain.

Another systematic review focusing on CBD pre-clinical, human experimental, and clinical studies for anxiety disorders concluded that the cannabinoid effectively manages anxiety. Consequently, in a survey conducted among 2409 CBD consumers, 62% reported using CBD for pain, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, 36% of the respondents reported that the cannabinoid was effective enough to substitute or complement their existing treatment regime.

But how does CBD deliver its therapeutic effects? CBD’s mechanism of action in the body entails interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to trigger specific body processes.

The endocannabinoid system is an elaborate body signal transmission system featuring signaling receptors found throughout the nervous system and the brain. Once activated by a cannabinoid, the ECS’s receptors initiate signal transmission to the brain, resulting in specific actions, like muscle relaxation. However, the receptors can also function as signal inhibitors, preventing specific signals from reaching the brain.

CBD works similarly to anandamide, a body-made cannabinoid to deliver therapeutic effects. It is available in various consumable forms, including edibles, vapes, tinctures, oils, softgels, topicals, salves, sprays, and concentrates.

The above-referenced study on CBD’s half-life (the time it takes for drug concentration in your system to decrease by 50%) concluded that oral CBD lasts the longest. Moreover, CBD consumer statistics show that oral CBD products have the highest demand, particularly gummies, tinctures, and oils.

What Happens When You Take Kratom Under The Influence Of CBD? 2

Kratom’s Effect On The Body

Kratom is a tropical tree from the coffee family, originating from Southeast Asia, where locals use it as an antidote for fatigue, enhancing productivity. The first account of kratom use in the USA was as a potential treatment for opioid withdrawal symptoms. One study review shows that the herb contains alkaloids that bind to opioid receptors, mimicking the opioid effect while causing minimal side effects.

However, according to one online survey on consumer self-reported kratom effects, users reported feeling euphoria, calm, sedative and analgesic effects. So, kratom consumers in western countries consume it to harness benefits beyond fatigue relief. According to another consumer survey, the primary reasons that American adults take kratom is to alleviate pain (91%), anxiety (67%), and depression (64%).

As stated above, kratom is rich in alkaloids, and its dominant alkaloid is mitragynine, followed closely by 7-hydroxymitragynine. According to one study on mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine therapeutic effects, the two alkaloids bind to the endogenous opioid system receptors to deliver specific therapeutic benefits, including pain, anxiety, and opioid withdrawal relief.

The two alkaloids have different binding affinities to specific opioid receptors, balancing overlapping effects and facilitating selective neurotransmitter activation. They also have different half-lives, with one research study concluding that mitragynine has a 3.5hour half-life, while 7-hydroxymitragynine has a 2.5-hour half-life.

Kratom exists in multiple strains, with each strain having a unique dominant therapeutic effect and potency. Secondly, the herb is biphasic, delivering opposite effects and higher and lower doses.

What Happens When You Take Kratom Under The Influence Of CBD? 3

What Happens When Kratom And CBD Interact?

An emerging consumer trend in the alternative medicines circles is taking kratom alongside CBD. Although kratom and CBD activate different body signal transmission systems to deliver their therapeutic effects, CBD’s long half-life makes it impossible for the two compounds not to interact. Consequently, even if you take kratom hours after taking CBD, the two compounds will still interact in your bloodstream.

CBD is a complex compound, with one study concluding that it has high tolerability, but this does not guarantee zero drug interaction. However, it shares overlapping therapeutic effects with kratom, meaning that the likelihood of a synergistic effect created by the two drugs is higher than a negative drug interaction.

Precautions When Taking Kratom While Under CBD Influence

Despite the high synergistic effect probability between kratom and CBD, note that both herbal compounds cause individual-specific effects. Consequently, factors like your weight, pharmacogenetics, metabolism, tolerance, and overall health influence the impact that each compound will have on you.

So, listen to your body, and only continue taking both compounds if everything feels right. Better yet, consult your doctor before adding kratom to your CBD routine.

Also consider the kratom strain you take and whether it rhymes with your intended CBD use. For instance, red kratom strains are potent analgesics but can cause sedation, meaning using such strains alongside CBD may be good for sleep but awful when you want to relax and feel energized.

Third, both compounds are biphasic, so dosage is key. However, none of the available research on either compound spells out a specific dose for specific effects. Moreover, a standard dosage is almost impossible due to individual-specific effects.

Also, both kratom and CBD industries are highly unregulated, meaning two products with the same drug concentration sold by different brands can have different potencies. So, start low on the kratom dose to determine its effect on CBD.

What Happens When You Take Kratom Under The Influence Of CBD? 4


Kratom can potentially enhance CBD’s performance, leading to improved feelings of wellbeing. However, ensure you buy high-quality, unadulterated kratom from trusted vendors, as contaminated products may have compounds that negatively interact with CBD.

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