Pakistan witnesses highest ever electric power generation during FY21
§ Power generation is up by 8.1% YoY to 14,361 GWh (19,946 MW) during Jun’21, compared to 13,288 GWh (18,455 MW) during Jun’20. The rise in generation is witnessed due to higher generation on Nuclear, FO and Coal.
§ Major contributors during Jun’21 were Hydel (Share: 29%), RLNG (Share: 19%), Coal (Share: 18%), Nuclear (Share: 11%), Gas (Share: 9%), FO (Share: 8%), Wind (Share: 4%), and Solar (Share: 0.4%).
§ During Jun’21, Nuclear, FO and Coal based power generation increased by 84% YoY, 82% YoY and 20% YoY, respectively. However, hydel based generation was down by 12% YoY.
§ During Jun’21, fuel cost for power generation increased by 31% YoY to PKR 5.65/KWh mainly due to rise in gas, coal, FO and RLNG based cost of generation along with decline in hydel based generation.
Nuclear based generation has reached at 1,618 GWh
§ During Jun’21, nuclear based power generation increased by 84% YoY to reach all time high of 1,618 GWh compared with 880 GWh during Jun’20.
§ The rise in nuclear based power generation is witnessed mainly due to induction of Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP) in the system. KANUPP generated 741 GWh during Jun’21 which is 46% of the total nuclear based generation and 5% of overall all generation.
Highest ever power generation during FY21, up 6.9% YoY
§ During FY21, power generation increased by 6.9% YoY to 130,223 GWh (14,866 MW) compared with 121,867 GWh (13,912 MW) during FY20.
§ Major contributors during FY21 were: Hydel (Share: 30%), RLNG (Share: 21%), Coal (Share: 21%), Gas (Share: 11%), Nuclear (Share: 8%) and FO (Share: 5%).
§ During FY21, gas-based power generation was down by 4.8% YoY.
§ During FY21, fuel cost for power generation increased by 1.3% YoY to an average of PKR 4.83/KWh mainly due to rise in FO, Coal and gas based cost of generation.
Fuel Cost up by 31% YoY during Jun’21
§ The rise in fuel cost by 31% YoY during Jun’21 was led by the following reasons:
o Coal-based cost of generation was up by 20% YoY to PKR 8.14/KWh during Jun’21 due to 89% YoY rise in coal prices.
o Gas-based cost of generation was also up by 19% YoY to PKR 8.17/KWh.
o RLNG-based cost of generation increased by 30% YoY to PKR 10.58/KWh due to 59% YoY rise in RLNG prices to PKR 1,617/mmbtu.
o FO-based cost of generation increased by 15% YoY to PKR 14.53/KWh due to 18% YoY rise in FO prices.
o Hydel-based generation was down by 12% YoY during Jun’21.