Wildcat Resources Limited appoints Sam Ekins as Chief Executive Officer

SYDNEY: Wildcat Resources Limited has appointed Mr Sam Ekins as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to advance the Company’s two exciting projects, the Mt Adrah Gold Project (Lachlan Fold Belt, NSW) and the Bolt Cutter Gold Project (Mallina Province, WA).
Mr Ekins has over 15 years of experience as an economic geologist. He holds a BSc (Hons) in geology from the University of Tasmania Center for Ore Deposit and Earth Sciences (CODES) and a MMinEng specialising in geomechanics from the University of New South Wales. He is also a member of the AusIMM.
Mr Ekins brings extensive experience in technical and leadership roles having worked in Australia and Southeast Asia in greenfields and brownfields gold and base-metal exploration, as well as global upstream oil and gas consulting. Mr Ekins was a Senior Geologist at Gold Fields Ltd’s (NYSE & JSE: GFI) St Ives Mine in Kambalda WA, before working for Evolution Mining Ltd as Superintendent of Exploration at the Mungari Operations, Kalgoorlie WA, which included Evolutions’ Leadership Gold Programme.
Mr Ekins entered the junior mining sector in 2019 as Exploration Manager at Prodigy Gold NL, exploring the Proterozoic Tanami and Aileron Provinces of the Northern Territory.
Wildcat Executive Director Matthew Banks commented: “our objective was to find a high calibre technical executive that was experienced in the sciences of discovery.
We are confident we have found the right person to work within the team, and drive exploration. Mr Ekins is very well respected by his peers within the industry, and I look forward to working with him to build a business of significant value.”
Incoming Chief Executive Officer Mr Sam Ekins said: “I believe I can play my part in helping grow Wildcat into a successful resource company through exploration success. Wildcat’s tenements are prospective and have excellent potential to host significant mineralisation. The company is in a strong cash position and has an experienced, engaged and supportive board. I’m excited by the opportunity to lead the company towards a transformational resource discovery.”
Mr Tom Bahen has also advised the Board of his decision to resign as a Non-Executive Director of Wildcat due to his commitments to a senior role with a leading global equity market brokerage firm. Mr Zane Lewis will also step away as Joint Company Secretary, with Mr James Bahen to remain in the capacity as Company Secretary.
Wildcat Executive Director Matthew Banks acknowledged their contribution and commented: “Mr Bahen was instrumental in recapitalising the Company and in guiding the Company forward over the last few years. Both Mr Bahen and Mr Lewis have served the Company well, with the upmost professionalism and guidance. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank them for their contribution and wish them all the best for their future endeavours.”